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2025 Lectures
02-04-2025 Dr. Polly Watson and Sarah Borda on Myofascial Release (30:42)
1-21-2025 Kate Willis NP and Michelle Woods on Midlife Life Design (30:31)
2024 Lectures
10-07-2024 Dr. Watson: WISDOM Study! Better Breast Cancer Screening (37:05)
09-03-2024 Kate Willis NP-C with Andrew Melrose on Mold Safe Home (39:41)
08-27-2024 Kate Willis NP-C and Niki D’Agostino on Primal Trust for Nervous System Healing (41:37)
07-30-2024 Dr. Polly Watson and Dr. Felice Gersh: Insights on Hormone Replacement Therapy (56:22)
06-25-2024 Dr. Watson with Dr. Michelle Maidenberg on Using Acceptance, Compassion and Empowerment to ACE midlife! (39:15)
05-21-2024 Dr. Watson and Dr. Shannon Scholl on Yeast in the Gut (26:44)
05-07-2024 Kate Willis NP-C and Dr. Chasse Bailey-Dorton on Integrative Oncology (31:36)
04-30-2024 Dr. Watson and Dr. Elizabeth Cox on Perimenopause, Menopause & Mood (36:10)
03-19-2024 Dr. Hope Seidel on Preparing for Launch. A Pediatric physician on helping parents get kids ready for college transition. (56:26)
02-27-2024 Dr. Brittaney McLaughlin, PT: Prolapse & Incontinence From A Pelvic Floor Expert (39:26)
01-23-2024 Kate Willis NP-C with Guest Laura Love, LMFT: A New Relationship with Perimenopause (46:50)
2023 Lectures
10-03-23 Shannon Powell on Why Ergonomics are Important for Women's Health (51:34)
09-26-23 Refeeding - Getting Off the Diet Rollercoaster with Whole Health Partners (57:22)
08-22-23 Dr. Katie Maloney on Is Your House Making You Sick? (54:11)
07-11-23 AlgaeCal for Osteoporosis with Phil Cappellano (55:01)
05-30-23 Dr. Christopher Long from Raleigh Radiology on Coronary Calcium Scoring (CAC) (34:23)
05-02-23 Molly Leavitt, DC on Osteostrong for Bone Density and Muscular Strength (50:51)
4-19-23 Dr. Tom Murray Sex Therapy Make Nice With Naughty (47:22)
02-28-23 Kait Atkinson and Whole Health Partners on Emotional Eating (52:31)
01-31-23 Clare Stadlen on Emotional Eating (59:54)
01-17-23 Dr. Rob Baric from MyBrainDr on Neurofeedback and QEEG (49:41)
01-10-23 Midlife Women's Health and Menopause Q&A (55:11)
2022 Lectures
12-06-22 Caroline Pope RD on Holiday Eating (39:28)
11-22-22 John Bohde from Mold Pros - Where to begin with remediation? (31:42)
11-01-22 Audra Killingsworth from Grace Physical Therapy and Pelvic Health ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (58:30)
10-25-22 James White CEO of KBMO Diagnostics on Food Sensitivity Testing (57:30)
10-18-22 Collaboration with UNC Pelvic Physical Therapy (59:27)
10-11-22 Wendy Pedraza RDN Beyond BMI - Health at Every Size ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (57:49)
09-06-22 Dr. Taylor Pope Exercises for Midlife ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (65:23)
08-30-22 Dr. Dan Chartier qEEG (44:16)
08-16-22 Lecture Dr. Joseph Melamed Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (55:00)
06-28-22 Lecture Ask Me Anything! (38:18)
06-14-22 Dr. Jennifer Roelands: Health Benefits of Fasting ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (48:48)
05-03-22 Dr. Emily Penney: Homeopathic Approach to Mold Related Illness (61:15)
04-19-22 Dr. Wendy Hagwood: Adrenal Progesterone Connection (39:05)
03-29-22 Dr. Daniela Perone Healing Trauma Beyond Talk Therapy (43:15)
03-8-22 Dr. Jessica Shireman Is Your Oral Health Making You Sick?
02-01-2022 Dr. Joanna Hooten: All about Collagen (43:18)
01-11-22 Dr. Keegan Ziemba Guest Lecture: Exercise and Refueling (39:45)
Lecture and Testing information
11-9- 21 Dr. Anna Lock Insomnia Guest Lecture (34:51)
11-2-21 Guest Lecture: Chef Florence with Sucre Et Sel (40:25)
10-26-21 Dr. Hamid Guest Lecture: Autoimmune Thyroid Options (46:56)
10-5-21 Dr. Portela Guest Lecture EMDR (27:29)
8-10-21 Caroline Landen Guest Lecture: Breaking the Negative Sexual Cycle (31:25)
7-13-21 Blair Watson Guest Lecture: Pelvic Floor PT (32:59)
6-1-21 Lecture: Clara Dermatology PRP and Hair Loss (43:14)
5-5-21 Lecture BHRT and Breast Cancer (28:26)
4-7-21 Lecture: SIBO (30:57)
3-31-21 Lecture: Gut Health Series Intro (27:09)
3-17-21 Lecture: Timed Eating and Fasting (28:23)
3-10-21 Lecture: Stress Induced Hair Loss (29:12)
DUTCH Plus Test Results Explained (6:38)
GI MAP Test Results Explained (14:21)
Gut Health and Hormone Health (1:56)
Histamine Slides
Teach online with
07-11-23 AlgaeCal for Osteoporosis with Phil Cappellano
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